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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Update on the Potty Training and a Water Playdate

What a tough experience!! WOW! After 6 days, we talked about how our family was doing and we decided it would be best for my sanity our family to take a break and pick the training back up at a later date. It was a really hard decision to make as I do not like to quit. I like to finish what I start. But goodness, we were so miserable. Cora was really starting to resist anytime we tried to put her on the potty and she also would become very upset if we tried to force it. I just didn't feel like this was the right response from someone who was "ready" to do this. Nor did I feel like it was worth the heartache to continue! So we put her back in her diapers and she seems pretty happy. Happy child = Happy mama!

After being stuck at home during that time, it was a blessing to be invited over to a friends house for some water fun! I didn't realize how unhappy I had become until I drove away from the house and got some fresh air and good adult conversation. A little splashing from the kids didn't hurt either!

Swim suit model!

Our friends had a great pool set up so we could sit (in the shade, ahhhh!) on the deck and had it blocked off so we didn't have to worry about the kids running away.

The "I'm happy to still go in my diaper" girl!

1 comment:

  1. Cora is the cutest swimsuit model!
    Sorry potty training didn't go "as planned." LK really took to it when I quit pushing. It is so difficult!
