Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Apology to all my Faithful Readers....

Well if you haven't figured it out yet.... I had Charlotte!  Yes, she arrived and everything else got put on hold.. It's been tricky figuring out how to handle life with 2 little ones, I just can't seem to find the time to blog not with all the sleep I need to catch up on ;) She is a super sweet little baby and she has fit into the family pretty well.  I guess we will keep her!  To catch up real quick, she is now 2 months old and is growing fast.  She is a good eater and somewhat of a good sleeper.  She'll fall asleep anywhere and she sleeps pretty well.  She hasn't quite mastered the art of letting mommy sleep at night yet but I think any day we will be there.  She has her own look about her but you can tell she is Cora's little sister.  They have some big differences, like Charlotte really isn't attached to the pacifier (Cora couldn't sleep without it), and she doesn't have to take her naps in the swing like Cora did.  I think she actually prefers the quiet of her crib and room.  She has already celebrated her 1st Halloween, Thanksgiving and now Christmas.  Hopefully I can update the blog with pictures from all these events just so we don't forget and also so we don't succumb to the stereo-typical "No pictures of the 2nd child" syndrome.  Because believe me, we have plenty of pictures.  Just lack of time to get them off the camera to the computer! First things first though... Her Birth Story!  Coming soon!

Couldn't resist adding a updated picture of our little one!