Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The 18 month review...

Our sweet Cora has continued growing up and has now turned the ripe age of 1.5 years!!  Quick question:  when do you stop using months to say how old your child is?  Is it after 18 months?  Or is it when they turn 2?  Is there etiquette for this?  Who knows and more importantly who really cares!  Point is, Cora is 18 months and she is doing really well.  Here are some pictures that capture what type of things she is doing now!  Not exactly developmental milestones but still picture worthy!

She can now stick her fingers in her ears!  Way to go!

She has grown a milk goatee!

She stopped running around for just a second!  Whew!

To the left- Cora at 6 months!  To the right- Cora at 18  months! 

At 18 months, Cora is finally giving hugs and kisses, which we love.  She will also blow kisses!!  She calls us "mama" and "dada" pretty regularly.  She loves helping us throw things away, even things we may not exactly ask her to do.  Anytime I'm getting ice or water from the automatic dispenser on the fridge door, she is right there helping me hold my cup.  She's into "Sesame Street" and her favorite character from that is, of course, Elmo. She not only walks, but runs everywhere.  She loves to dance to music, especially "Black-Eyed Peas" and she is trying to jump, which is hilarious to watch.  She daily asks to "color" which involves her walking around with crayons.  She is a climber, which she gets from her daddy! She is down to 1 nap a day now and her bedtime is still 7pm.  Some of Cora's favorite words are bubble, color, hey, bye, puppy, ball, night night, shoes, and eat but she pretty much tries to repeat anything you say.  Her absolutely favorite things right now are her puppy dog and her blanket.  If she could, she would carry them everywhere! 

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