I know I have not been the best at posting pictures of sweet Charlotte every month but here she is at 8 months! Here is a little update on how Miss Charlotte is doing:
Month 7 was a huge month for development! You went from just laying there, making very little noise, not interested in toys to being able to sit up (not on your own yet), having full out baby conversations, and enjoying playing with certain toys. Right now, you really like this penguin toy and also your baby wipe package (I think you like the crinkly noise). You are a GREAT eater. You have enjoyed apples, sweet potato's, carrots, green beans, peaches, mango's, pears, spinach, blueberries, and broccoli (Most of these were mixed together in some sort of baby food fashion). You are an absolute joy and delight to be around. Many people have commented what a happy, easy, good baby you are. You do not fuss when I drop you off at the nursery at church. You LOVE to jump, most times you'll jump even if you are not in your jumper but just being held. You are rolling over, finally, and I think you would like to crawl but just aren't there yet. You have the sweetest laugh and you enjoy watching your big sister. You are a good sleeper! You take 2 naps a day (one around 9 and then another around 12:30 or so, for about 2 hours) and you go to bed at 6 pm. You sleep through the night, mostly, waking up again at 6 am. Sometimes you wake up around 4:30 or 5 am but not usually. I love your smiles and the way your eyes shine when you look at us!