How far along: 38 weeks. Where is the time going? It is going super fast now!!
Best moment: By far - getting to take Cora to the hospital to take a tour!
Weight: 154.6, from my last doctor appointment, which was today, 9/21/11.
How I'm feeling: A little unprepared. The hospital tour that we did was really great! I remember when we took a tour when we were pregnant with Cora, I left feeling so excited about having a baby and I was ready to experience it all. Well, I left this time feeling pretty overwhelmed! I guess I've been focusing so much on cleaning, and fixing up Cora's room and getting things ready for Charlotte that I feel like I haven't been really preparing Cora for what it'll be like. I know I can't really be too hard on my myself as she is only 2 and there is only so much I can do but I really want to spend some time with her, talking with her and showing her pictures of babies and talking about Charlotte.
Things I miss: Being able to make plans! There is so much fun events happening and I'm having a hard time remembering that we will have a newborn so I won't be as flexible and free coming up soon!
Do I think Charlotte will be born before her due date: I'm going to say No. Mostly because we still need to get some things done so it would be nice to complete it all this weekend and then have time to just rest and relax. So I'm hoping for that. I'm NOT, repeat NOT, wanting her to be late! Punctual will be nice! Just not too early. We still need to put her car seat in the car so once we do that, I'll feel better prepared!
You're so close!!