How far along: 30 weeks. Only 10 weeks left!
Best moment: I got to hear Charlotte's heart beat today! I had my usual check up appointment and Lisa, one of my midwives, said she was sounding happy and healthy! Lisa also felt around and tried to determine her position and she thinks she felt her head on my right side and said she seemed to be positioned like she was laying in a hammock across my belly! She also commented on how low she was.
Food Cravings: Desserts! I have such a sweet tooth, which I had this before I got pregnant so this is not a new thing! (nor can I blame this on being pregnant!)
Weight: 146.6, from my last doctor appointment, which was today.
How I'm feeling: Still a little uncomfortable! I only expect this to get worse as Charlotte continues to grow. My back is pretty sore and I have some trouble finding a comfortable position to sit in or lay down in. I have to use the restroom a lot! She is really low!
Things I miss: Cooler weather, feeling cute. I do not feel cute at all! I feel like a shape and that shape is ROUND!
You are beautiful, Momma! I can't believe only 10 more weeks until she arrives! Hang in there!