Not sure if this was the same success the author had (I'm sure she has perfect kids who basically potty train themselves.) but we did have a "pee pee" in the potty!! This was seriously the most awesome sound I have ever heard! And it couldn't have come at a better time. I was seriously wanting to give up, throw in the towel and say she ain't ready. But right before we ate lunch, I was praying and I asked God to please, if it was in His will, to show us some sort of success and to give us wisdom as to what to do next. And of course, in typical answer to prayer, we had a success that encouraged me greatly! Now do I think this means, "She's got it! Cora is potty trained!" umm.. NO. I really think this could have just been a fluke but it is something that is encouraging me to continue going.
I really do see improvements. Now when asked if she is dry, Cora will check for herself and say "I dry!" and promptly hold out her hand for her sticker or "m&m". (by the way - if you ever find yourself in the potty training situation - blue m&m's are really bad. They stain.) She looks forward to the reward. Also she is starting to not only show us she has to go to the potty but verbally tell us, either on her own or when asked. She still won't stay seated very long but I do think she is starting to grasp a little bit.
To keep Cora entertained today, we painted toe nails! She sat still and let me do it! Then she wanted to "paint" her stuffed animals.
Our pretty toes!
We also made some cookies. Yummy snack and treat after some stressful days..
So here we are, at the end of day 3 and what do I think... Well, I've learned alot. About Cora, about myself.. Some things, I really enjoyed learning. I love seeing Cora and William playing together. I love seeing Cora get excited over saying "I dry!". I love learning more about William and his love for his daughter and love of serving me. Other things were pretty hard. Like, ALOT of sin came out during these days! Whew.. I get short tempered, impatient, ill, and unloving when I'm not in control and also a little sleep deprived (Cora's been waking up some at night and getting up an hour earlier). I want to be the "prideful mom" who has a perfect child who was easy to potty train that I can brag about to others and be like "look what I did." Wow, God humbled me! This process has nothing to do with me or my parenting skills - it is honestly about Cora and really how God created her and He created her perfectly. So what if my child isn't "potty trained" after today? Am I any less of a mother? No. Do I give up because she didn't get it in 3 days? No, but we will reevaluate to see if she needs a break (or if we need a break). Does this mean we are failures? No. Everything that happened and all that she learned is all God wanted to happen and wanted her to learn. All I can do is surrender this area I'm trying to control over to Him and trust that He knows best and continue to try to be patient, loving and Christ focused as I serve my family through this developmental milestone. Thanks be to God for what He can teach through potty training!